The Gates of Ruin

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Voltaire 'The King' Vanda'ar 12 198 by Voltaire 'The King' Vanda'ar
Jul 12, 2010 16:28:48 GMT -5


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The Gates of Ruin
The main pass in and out of the Ca'rion State is through the Gates of Ruin, the gates are unmanned during the night, for safeties sake and passage is not allowed in or out after dusk or before dawn.

The gates themselves nearly as tall as the canyons behind it and serve as a warning, both for the people outside and the 'Delinquents' inside. Generally people who were born in the Ca'rion state have to state their plea to the government in order to leave so as to keep their way of life from spreading.Those going in must attain a special pass to be presented upon leaving to ensure that they will in fact be allowed to leave.
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